Liberation Breathwork

this is A recording of a live group - $44

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What has outworn its welcome in your body, mind, spirit & consciousness?

Illusions, delusions, programs, manipulations, control dramas, limiting beliefs, core wounds and core patterns can take up precious space in our minds and influence what we see, what we believe and what we experience.

We are evolving in a new way and a new time frame right now. What is available to be understood, to be seen with clear eyes, to choose, and to expand into is your choice. You do not have to “buy in” to any old story lines that “society” tries to convince you or shame you into believing are true. Set yourself free. Of all of it.

Discernment. Active choice. Integrity. Knowing who you are and what you believe and why. Soft heart. Strong mind. Active body. Multidimensional consciousness. Love, love, and more love. Finding connection in what we all hold sacred. This is what we are working with.

 Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body and nervous system of emotional debris.  It is part catharsis, part socially sanctioned adult temper tantrum, and part consciousness altering.  The experience moves stagnant emotional energy and facilitates release of strong emotions like anger and sadness.  It can help you to find a home in your body and your heart and help you learn to trust yourself.  It leaves you feeling softer, open and less burdened.

Liberation Breathwork

this is A recording of a live group - purchase for $44

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