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Pluto into Aquarius Transmission with Ali Ofstedal + Breathwork Healing Session

Pluto into Aquarius Transmission with Ali Ofstedal + Breathwork Healing Session

Sunday, April 2, 2023 | 9:30 - 11:30AM PDT


Important details:

  • Virtual Pluto into Aquarius Transmission with Ali Ofstedal + Breathwork Healing Session

  • 9:30-11:30m PDT on Sunday, April 2, 2023

  • Live attendance is not required

  • A recording will be sent to you after the class

  • Instructions and the link to join the group (via zoom) will be emailed to you April 1st at 8pm PDT


  • No credits or refunds are offered for this group with less than 24 hours notice

  • Please add as a contact to ensure the Zoom link is delivered to your inbox. Check your spam/junk folder if you don’t see the Zoom link.

We invite you into an expansive, powerful portal to understand and co-create with these potent transits!

Collectively and individually, we’re crossing a threshold that will in many ways, define our current incarnation.

As Pluto, the planet of the underworld, awakening, and the recovery of what’s been buried or hidden, shifts into Aquarius in March. It will be transiting this sign, for the better part of 20 years.

This is a pivotal time in our individual and global evolution. Pluto in Aquarius, the revolutionary, is here to help reveal what’s keeping us tethered to outdated systems and beliefs individually and collectively. It will require immense courage to honor the twists and turns of this transit, allowing its power and subtle force guide us through a golden age, a quantum leap in human evolution.

The earth is shifting, and we, as humans, are shifting with her. We’ll be guided to tap into our innate wisdom and courage held within our dna, as we activate our own roadmaps, or soul blueprints. Within this container we will discuss the major transits of this year, specifically what can be expected with this massive Plutonian transit and the shift of Saturn into Pisces early this Spring.”

~ Ali Ofstedal

Ali will share the unique energy and medicine of these major transits and how to work with them. Then we will move into a Breathwork clearing & healing session to move your energy, clear your channel and invite in clarity, inspiration and vision. *You can prepare for the session by having your chart pulled up. If you need to generate your astrology chart, you can do that for free at

Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body and nervous system of emotional debris.  The experience moves stagnant emotional energy and facilitates release of strong emotions like anger and sadness.  It can help you to find a home in your body and your heart and help you learn to trust yourself.  It leaves you feeling softer, open and less burdened.

Benefits of breathwork: 

Access to greater creativity and expression

Deeper connection to self, guides, ancestors, the natural world, and Spirit 

Increased compassion, understanding and authentic connection in relationships

Renewed energy and clarity

Heightened intuition and receptivity 

Decreased anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, depression, and confusion

Purchase a ticket:

I have allocated a certain number of reduced rate spaces for this healing group. There are 5 spaces available for Black, Indigenous or People of Color. There are 5 spaces available if you are experiencing financial insecurity OR you are LGBTQIA+. The spaces will show as sold out when they have all been claimed.

Ticket options:
18 March

Spring Clean Your Subconscious Equinox Breathwork

8 April

Creating a Healthy Relationship with Anger Masterclass + Breathwork Healing Session