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Alchemize & Create for the New Year Breathwork

Virtual Breathwork

Alchemize & Create for the New Year Breathwork

Sunday, January 1, 2023 | 9:30 - 11:30 AM PDT


Important details:

  • Virtual Breathwork Healing Group

  • 9:30-11am PDT on Sunday, January 1, 2022 

  • Live attendance is not required

  • A recording will be sent to you after the class

  • Instructions and the link to join the group (via zoom) will be emailed to you on January 1st at 8am PDT


  • No credits or refunds are offered for this group with less than 24 hours notice

  • Please add as a contact to ensure the Zoom link is delivered to your inbox. Check your spam/junk folder if you don’t see the Zoom link.

2023 is a Chariot Year in the tarot and it’s mantra is…

“ I make all preparations for my great flight into new realms.”

~ Devany Wolfe

Let’s prepare for those new realms together in this New Year’s Day ceremony!

We will welcome this magnificent new year together by breathing life into our dreams, our desires, and our creations. We will exhale what is heavy, what is expired and what needs to be cleared to move forward with bright eyes and strong hearts.

We know that the turn of the page of the calendar year doesn’t mean that everything from 2022 is complete. We will have some specific and potent journal prompts and writing time to identify the energy from 2022 that needs to be alchmemized and composted, to create the New.

When we use the medicine of Breathwork, we are co creating with the life force of the Universe, of nature and of our human family. Our intentions are magnified and multiplied through the power of the group.

We tune into the power that is already alive in our sacred bodies and allow it to grow, finding grace and ground in returning home with every breath, and sending our prayers out into the field with every exhale.

Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body and nervous system of emotional debris.  It is part catharsis, part socially sanctioned adult temper tantrum, and part consciousness altering.  The experience moves stagnant emotional energy and facilitates release of strong emotions like anger and sadness.  It can help you to find a home in your body and your heart and help you learn to trust yourself.  It leaves you feeling softer, open and less burdened.

Benefits of breathwork: 

Release of stuck or stagnant emotions in the body

A heart opening to greater love

Access to greater creativity and expression

Deeper connection to self, guides, ancestors, the natural world, and Spirit 

Increased compassion, understanding and authentic connection in relationships

Renewed energy and clarity

Heightened intuition and receptivity 

Decreased anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, depression, and confusion

Purchase a ticket:

I have allocated a certain number of reduced rate spaces for this healing group.  There are 5 spaces available for Black, Indigenous or People of Color.  There are 5 spaces available if you are experiencing financial insecurity OR you are LGBTQIA+.  The spaces will show as sold out when they have all been claimed. 

Ticket Options:
18 December

Winter Solstice Breathwork

29 January

Understanding the Breath & Your Healing Process Breathwork